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Personal Journey
Personal Journey
Blogs by Ayush
It's okay to question what you already know!
While training a baby elephant, the trainer ties him to a chain. In the childhood, the elephant tries to break the chain but fails every time.
One Step At A Time.
In this fast moving world, everyone is trying to achieve something or the other. We all have certain end goals or desires that we want to achieve, some dreams to fulfill bla bla bla.
What's it like to be an Entrepreneur in your early twenties? My Story!
I am not a writer, but still wanted to share my experience first-hand with you all. This is all about my own understanding or experiences of becoming a first time entrepreneur in early twenties.
When we worked for free and it was the best job!!!
There are times once every few days when we get so involved in a task that we don't know what else is happening around us. Our mind, thoughts, emotions, routine and thinking process completely revolves around those moments.
Is listing skills important on your profile?
In short, YES! Skills help a sourcer like me profile a candidate's experience better, now they may not be everything or may not even work for all. This is my way of identifying what a candidate is working through.
Why should you pursue your long due dream?
It started in July 2017. Two months into my first job, on an eight hour shift I was productively working approximately three hours a day.
Why Linkedin Recruiter is the only tool you should use for R & S?
YES, it is really expensive. Why does it still sell? Because it is really really good.
How to write a proper headline for your profile?
I have reviewed around 21000+ individual profiles to date, definitely more. As a Technical Recruiter, Sourcing Specialist, and before all this, as a user of LI products.
Discipline- Will make you or break you!
One step at a time! One drop, one penny can make a huge impact!! How?? Let's see- When you set out to achieve that goal that you have or that dream that you see, first thing that comes up is a lot of ideas or no idea at all as to how will you achieve whatever it is that you seek. In hindi we have a
Top 3 Learning from my experience of the last three months!
There have been many actually, which I will be sharing in the coming future, but for now these are my personal best- 1) Having a good/productive habit is more important than short term gain- It is the small small tasks and efforts that add on to your success and you have to be patient and consistent
Today is a 'Good Day'!
'Today is a good day!' - Repeat this sentence every day in the morning or five times a day for a couple of weeks and think about it. Notice one good thing that happens today, cherish it.
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